Customize your event experience with all the available features

Inform your attendees of every detail with the information features

Your attendees will not miss any detail of the event and will be informed with an only click.

Event information

Provide an accurate description and all the details about the event.

Live streaming

Broadcast conferences, meetings and presentations.


Organize all sessions of the event with their descriptions.


Introduce the speakers who will be part of the event.

Interactive map

Locate each event space
and the stands.

QR Badge

Get a QR code for each attendee on their badge.


Facilitates the download of important documents for the event.

Push Notifications

Create alerts to keep the community informed of all changes.

Give a voice to your audience and increase attendees participation

Involve attendees with features that allow its participation and chatting with the rest participants.


Participants can ask live questions to the expert.

Photo gallery

Users will be able to upload all photos of the event and share them.


Users can make live polls though the app, and participate during the presentation.

Reserve a session

This option allows you to save sessions and attend when it start.

Why using interactive modules in your event app

We explain you the reasons in this short video!

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Get some emotion to your event with quests through gamification modules

Attendees will be more motivated to participate and involved with your event thanks to gamification features, increasing also its interest, engagement and learning about the event topic.


Games to encourage participation in the event.

QR code

Scan QR from different points in the venue and win.


Get more feedback from the event.

Likes contest

Dynamic and fun contest between users.

You still don’t see what the gamification modules are?

We’ll tell you in this short video!