Give qualified professional connections to your attendees with Meetings 1to1
The easiest option to create business deals and professional contacts in your event, with an exclusive meetings dashboard

More than 200 companies and organizations already trust us:

Include networking modules in your event
Allow event attendees make contact and enrich networking before, during and after your event.
As event manager, control every detail like timmings or maximum meetings requests from your event dashboard.
Make easier the requesting meeting process by creating a personalized meeting agenda to every attendee.
Collect professional interests from your attendees for achieve a complete matchmaking between participants.
Focused on our clients
“Meetmaps meetings module facilitated us mananging every aspect of networking in our event, something essential as event planner.”
Connect attendees with an only click with Meetmaps
Create different networking rooms
Attendees can join every networking room that the event manager have created, unless the session is classified as private for a few participants.

Permit participants manage their own meetings
Attendees can request a meeting by selecting a day, hour and sending a private message chat, all from “My meetings” section in the virtual event platform. They can also accept and refuse the requests received.
Personalized meetings agenda
Event participants have a personal agenda in the event virtual platform with their meetings arranged, showing its status (accepted, pending or declined) and day and hour info.
The meetings personal agenda can be downloaded in PDF, and also can be uploaded to attendees personal mail.

Bring networking to your stand
Thanks to the virtual exhibitors functionality, you will be able to offer an exclusive space for companies participating in your event. With a custom design and brand branding, they will have the option of meeting potential clients under the company name.
Virtual stands
Face-to-face or virtual, what you prefer!
If your event is virtual, meetings can be requested and managed from event mobile app or virtual event platform, and performed by videocall.
If your event is face-to-face, meetings can be requested from event mobile app and performed in situ at event venue.

Manage every attendee meeting easily
As event planner, it will be a piece of cake have meetings control thanks to Meetmaps dashboard
Create attendees groups
Collect your event attendees in different groups for asign them quickly at the different networking rooms.
Intuitive design
Detect easily all status for every meeting request and attendees that are going to participate.
Download data
Have meetings calendar in your personal computer and work offline.
Limit the capacity of the sessions
Establish a maximum request meetings from meetings dashboard.